"Music For All"
Andrew Hodges

Mastering Chaos:
"The Musician's Way"
Podcasts about what music does to us.
There's a magic that happens when human beings come together to create music. As a musician and teacher, I've witnessed the unique way that people collaborate together to produce astonishing musical performances. As a business consultant I have experienced too, the incredible power of humans working together to solve highly complex problems.
Our musical gifts are a testament to our human ability to collaborate and solve problems together. I have come to see these abilities as our musical Superpowers which, I believe, are available to us all but are often underutilised outside the realm of music. My programmes are about people who enjoy music and perhaps even play a musical instrument who know there's something special about the gifts they have.​
So if you like the thought of being challenged by some interesting ideas whilst listening to some enchanting music, just stick your earbuds in, start your run, or get the ironing board out, or start chopping the veg or just put your feet up and be ready to hear some new thoughts about music and what music has done for us humans.