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Virtual Performance: How It Works...

For us to create our virtual performance we need to record our own parts separately so that they can be combined together to make a complete video.  For some, this might seem like a challenge. It is an undeniably complex process but most of this complexity is in pre- and post-production (Andrew does this) before and after the selfie-videos are created.


Players will need 2 recording/playing devices. So 2 smartphones or iPhones but it can be any combination of these including iPads, laptop or even a digital camera.


The first device is for the player to video themselves. The second, with headphones or earbuds, is to hear the synchronising track whilst they create their video-selfie. The video is a recording of only their own part and should not include the synchronising track.




1. SETUP VIDEOING DEVICE (phone/laptop/iPad etc.) -


2. VIDEO YOURSELF PERFORMING WITH THE SYNCHRO-TRACK (using other phone/laptop/mp3 player)


3. SEND THE VIDEO TO ANDREW (This is probably the only problematic part - BIG file)


To help you understand how it all comes together the detailed process is outlined below. 









"Best to talk to Andrew"

The music is arranged using Sibelius composing software which creates the printed score and the individual parts.


Sibelius can also create audio files. For this process the audio file uses digital instruments to create the file which is sent out to everyone involved.


This is the music file with which players synchronise their performances on their videos.

Printed music and mp3 sent to all players

Each player using the mp3 practises until they are satisfied with their performance.

Video sent back to Andrew.

The file created is large and will normally take several minutes to send.


The best way to send the file is to the specially created Dropbox Folder.


It can also be sent via Email, Whatsapp, Skype etc. but here the file size is often a problem.

Synchronising with the mp3, the player creates their video-selfie using ear buds or headphones so only their part is videoed.

Andrew synchs everyone's parts and combines into one video performance

Dress Code: To avoid reflected light we have agreed: All in black with simple clean design (no frills)

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